Weather forecast

The weather in Adra

Tuesday, 12th of November 16:00 19:00 22:00
Fair Fair Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy
Temperature 18.4°C 17°C 16.2°C
Wind 3 Km/h 3 Km/h 1 Km/h
Southeast Southeast West West Northwest Northwest
Humidity 57% 69% 66%
Wednesday, 13th of November 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00 13:00 16:00
Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy with rain showers Cloudy with rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain showers
Temperature 15.5°C 14.5°C 14.3°C 14.7°C 14.7°C 15.2°C
Wind 5 Km/h 2 Km/h 3 Km/h 8 Km/h 4 Km/h 4 Km/h
East East Southeast Southeast East East East East Southeast Southeast Northeast Northeast
Humidity 67% 69% 73% 59% 59% 59%
Thursday, 14th of November High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
21.6°C Cloudy 21.6°C 16.4°C 17 km/h
Southeast Southeast
55% Sunrise: 7:48
Sunset: 18:05
16:57 - 06:00 Moonrise: 16:57
Moonset: 06:00
Friday, 15th of November High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
20.3°C Partly cloudy with rain showers 20.3°C 16.8°C 29 km/h
East East
61% Sunrise: 7:49
Sunset: 18:04
17:34 - 07:17 Moonrise: 17:34
Moonset: 07:17
Saturday, 16th of November High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
19.3°C Cloudy with rain showers 19.3°C 17.4°C 24 km/h
East East
53% Sunrise: 7:50
Sunset: 18:03
18:17 - 08:35 Moonrise: 18:17
Moonset: 08:35
Sunday, 17th of November High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
24°C Cloudy with rain showers 24°C 18.1°C 19 km/h
Northeast Northeast
57% Sunrise: 7:51
Sunset: 18:03
19:10 - 09:51 Moonrise: 19:10
Moonset: 09:51
Monday, 18th of November High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
23.1°C Fair 23.1°C 18.1°C 20 km/h
Southwest Southwest
59% Sunrise: 7:52
Sunset: 18:02
20:11 - 10:58 Moonrise: 20:11
Moonset: 10:58
Weather by
The town of Adra is characterised by a climate that varies between 14ºC and 30ºC throughout the year, with the hottest month in August and the coldest in January.

Winter in the coastal municipality usually experiences partly cloudy skies, and it is often windy and fresh. The summer period is usually hot and humid due to the town's proximity to the sea.