Walled enclosure of Adra

Walled enclosure (Adra)

The wall is one of the most precious sites in Adra, and was declared as an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC) in the monument category by the Council of Andalusia. The fortification was ordered to be built by Queen Juana in 1505 and took several decades to build. The remainder of the restoration work was carried out in 2008 by the regional government for the enjoyment of residents and tourists.

Originally, the fortress was irregularly hexagonal and had a perimeter of 475 metres. Its function was to defend the coast after the conquest of the Kingdom of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs. It then became the object of numerous attacks by Berber and Turkish pirates during the 16th and 17th centuries. The urban expansion of the town means that in the middle of the 19th century, most of the wall was demolished.

  What to visit in Adra