Weather forecast

The weather in Berja

Sunday, 26th of January 11:00 14:00 17:00 20:00 23:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy
Temperature 14.6°C 16.4°C 14.7°C 12.7°C 12.6°C
Wind 9 Km/h 12 Km/h 12 Km/h 5 Km/h 11 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest West West Southwest Southwest
Humidity 31% 41% 61% 66% 69%
Monday, 27th of January 2:00 5:00 8:00 11:00
Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
Temperature 13.2°C 13.6°C 13.7°C 15.5°C
Wind 15 Km/h 15 Km/h 16 Km/h 22 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest
Humidity 74% 79% 75% 69%
Tuesday, 28th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
15°C Partly cloudy with chance of rain 15°C 9°C 17 km/h
Southwest Southwest
34% Sunrise: 8:19
Sunset: 18:30
07:49 - 17:22 Moonrise: 07:49
Moonset: 17:22
Wednesday, 29th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
12.7°C Cloudy 12.7°C 5.7°C 11 km/h
Southwest Southwest
36% Sunrise: 8:18
Sunset: 18:31
08:31 - 18:34 Moonrise: 08:31
Moonset: 18:34
Thursday, 30th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
12.6°C Cloudy with rain showers 12.6°C 5.5°C 12 km/h
Northwest Northwest
48% Sunrise: 8:17
Sunset: 18:33
09:06 - 19:47 Moonrise: 09:06
Moonset: 19:47
Friday, 31st of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
15°C Fair 15°C 7.1°C 18 km/h
North North
44% Sunrise: 8:17
Sunset: 18:34
09:37 - 20:59 Moonrise: 09:37
Moonset: 20:59
Saturday, 1st of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
14.8°C Partly cloudy 14.8°C 5.3°C 13 km/h
Northwest Northwest
48% Sunrise: 8:16
Sunset: 18:35
10:04 - 22:10 Moonrise: 10:04
Moonset: 22:10
Weather by
Berja has a subtropical climate with a marked Mediterranean character, this is softened by being surrounded by mountains that act as a topographical shelter. The average annual temperature is between 18ºC and 20ºC, resulting in hot summers which are mitigated by its proximity to the sea (10 km) and fresh winters (in winter it tends to snow in the Sierra de Gador).

The rainfall is scarce, concentrated mainly in the spring and the autumn. One of the main climatic characteristics of this area is the absence of wind and more than 3,000 annual hours of sunlight.