Weather forecast

The weather in Cabo de Gata

Thursday, 5th of December 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Fair Fair Clear Clear Clear Clear Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
Temperature 15.3°C 18.5°C 19°C 17.2°C 16.1°C
Wind 11 Km/h 22 Km/h 23 Km/h 16 Km/h 9 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest West West
Humidity 69% 56% 57% 74% 75%
Friday, 6th of December 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00
Clear Clear Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
Temperature 15.2°C 15.1°C 15.2°C 17°C
Wind 7 Km/h 6 Km/h 8 Km/h 8 Km/h
West West West West Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest
Humidity 60% 63% 67% 50%
Saturday, 7th of December High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
21.4°C Cloudy 21.4°C 15.9°C 17 km/h
Southwest Southwest
57% Sunrise: 8:06
Sunset: 17:51
13:00 - ---- Moonrise: 13:00
Moonset: ----
Sunday, 8th of December High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17.8°C Partly cloudy 17.8°C 13.2°C 25 km/h
East East
56% Sunrise: 8:07
Sunset: 17:51
13:28 - 00:06 Moonrise: 13:28
Moonset: 00:06
Monday, 9th of December High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
15.7°C Clear 15.7°C 11.2°C 19 km/h
Southwest Southwest
39% Sunrise: 8:08
Sunset: 17:51
13:54 - 01:15 Moonrise: 13:54
Moonset: 01:15
Tuesday, 10th of December High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17.5°C Partly cloudy 17.5°C 8.2°C 14 km/h
Southeast Southeast
59% Sunrise: 8:09
Sunset: 17:51
14:20 - 02:24 Moonrise: 14:20
Moonset: 02:24
Wednesday, 11th of December High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
15.5°C Cloudy with rain showers 15.5°C 9°C 39 km/h
Northeast Northeast
74% Sunrise: 8:10
Sunset: 17:51
14:49 - 03:35 Moonrise: 14:49
Moonset: 03:35
Weather by
The Cabo de Gata-Nijar Natural Park has a semi-arid climate, with very little rainfall and scarce water resources. This causes poor and underdeveloped soils, but it supports one of the most unique terrestrial flora sets in the entire European continent, with more than 1,000 exclusive species.

It is one of the driest areas in Spain. The average annual temperatures are between 18-20°C. The summers are warm, with an average temperature of 26°C while the winters are mild, with an average temperature of 12°C and occasional frosts.

Another of the climatic characteristics of the Cabo de Gata-Nijar Natural Park is the considerable wind activity, with more than 300 days of wind per year.