Weather forecast

The weather in Los Filabres-Tabernas

Saturday, 7th of September 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy
Temperature 30.9°C 32.6°C 31.9°C 29°C
Wind 11 Km/h 17 Km/h 13 Km/h 8 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest
Humidity 24% 30% 34% 39%
Sunday, 8th of September 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00
Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy with rain showers Cloudy with rain showers Cloudy with chance of rain Cloudy with chance of rain Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Fair Fair
Temperature 24.4°C 23.7°C 21.3°C 21.7°C 26.6°C
Wind 7 Km/h 7 Km/h 6 Km/h 6 Km/h 12 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest West West Southwest Southwest
Humidity 46% 61% 70% 66% 59%
Monday, 9th of September High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
29.7°C Partly cloudy 29.7°C 18.6°C 14 km/h
South South
41% Sunrise: 7:46
Sunset: 20:28
13:46 - 23:25 Moonrise: 13:46
Moonset: 23:25
Tuesday, 10th of September High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
29.5°C Fair 29.5°C 18.5°C 14 km/h
Southeast Southeast
40% Sunrise: 7:46
Sunset: 20:27
14:49 - ---- Moonrise: 14:49
Moonset: ----
Wednesday, 11th of September High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
26.9°C Partly cloudy 26.9°C 19.4°C 12 km/h
Southeast Southeast
55% Sunrise: 7:47
Sunset: 20:25
15:51 - 00:06 Moonrise: 15:51
Moonset: 00:06
Thursday, 12th of September High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
27.4°C Clear 27.4°C 20.4°C 11 km/h
Southeast Southeast
53% Sunrise: 7:48
Sunset: 20:24
16:49 - 00:56 Moonrise: 16:49
Moonset: 00:56
Friday, 13th of September High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
22.8°C Cloudy with rain showers 22.8°C 20.5°C 21 km/h
Northeast Northeast
68% Sunrise: 7:49
Sunset: 20:22
17:41 - 01:57 Moonrise: 17:41
Moonset: 01:57
Weather by
The climate of the Filabres-Tabernas region presents particularities, because it is a natural area with well-marked physical characteristics, which makes it a very diverse region climatologically.

The Tabernas Desert is noteworthy, because it is the only desert area found in Europe, with average annual temperatures above 17ºC. It has characteristics of a climate between semi-arid and Mediterranean, with some altitudes being cold (9°C in January and 24.5°C in August). It also presents little rainfall which does not exceed 250 mm per year, and has about 3,000 hours of sunshine each year.

On the other hand, the atmospheric conditions of the Sierra de los Filabres constitute a high mountain climate where the coldest average temperatures of Almeria are recorded. There are also no large amounts of rain, because it is not exposed to the Atlantic winds.