Church of Saint Nicholas of Bari (Alhama de Almeria)

What to see in Alhama de Almeria


Church of Saint Nicholas of Bari

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Church of Saint Nicholas of Bari (Alhama de Almeria)
The origins of this Mudejar church date back to the 16th century. After the uprising of the Moorish population in 1569 with the burning of the churches, the Church of Alhama de Almeria was left totally in ruins. Its condition lasted until 1672, when the Duke of Maqueda (Lord of Marchena) ordered that a new church was to be built in Alhama de Almeria.

Later, in view of an increase in population, the need to enlarge the church became evident, and on January 18 1747, the necessary documents for restoration of the church were signed.

Saint Anthony of Padua Hermitage

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Saint Anthony of Padua Hermitage (Alhama de Almeria)
Dating from 1757, this rectangular building has a flat roof, and it is located in the old town.

In the 1940s, a collapse of the central dome occurred and during the 1950s, the building was restored, and a flat roof was installed to replace the original dome structure.

From this time is the image of the saint that is venerated in the hermitage.

Saint Mark Hermitage

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Saint Mark Hermitage (Alhama de Almeria)
The Festival of Saint Mark dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when two neighbours from Alhama de Almeria began to celebrate the day of Saint Mark. Later, the tradition increased in popularity within the municipality, and thanks to financial contributions from the population, it was possible to build a small hermitage in honour of Saint Mark.

The Spanish Civil War caused the destruction of both the hermitage and the old image of Saint Mark, which marked the beginning of a long period of abandonment of this tradition that was so deeply rooted in Alhama de Almeria.
However, in the 1950s, the tradition was taken up again with great enthusiasm by a group of neighbours in Alhama de Almeria who, with the help of the Town Hall, managed to rebuild the old hermitage.

Saint John Hermitage

Saint John Hermitage (Alhama de Almeria)
The Hermitage of Saint John is located inside Spain Square and was built in 2007.

Built in a modern style, it is a hermitage in which you can see the image of Saint John.

Arab baths

The waters here are naturally very hot at 47.5º C. These old Roman baths were located on the same thermal spring at the foot of Cerro Milano that the Arabs used for their baths that were located 300 metres away, where the Spa of Saint Nicholas is currently located.

The old entrance dates from 1018 and the ground floor of the building, before its renovation, was built in 1772. The Spa of Saint Nicholas was inaugurated in 1877, and it soon became a major social centre of the region.

La Puente

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This is a neoclassical bridge; approximately 26 metres high and 45 metres long.

It is composed of two sections: the first one is located directly on the bed of the river and is made up of a single semicircular arch. The second section above is composed of three arches, with the central one being larger than the other two sides. This construction appears to be a reconstruction dating from the 18th century, which coincides with the time of the great public works carried out by Charles III.
The restoration that was made recently allowed builders to discover that the previous restoration was done in the year 1807.

The Waterfall

This great waterfall construction was inaugurated on May 4, 1971.

It is located within a large area of pine trees and pine forests that allow you to fully enjoy nature.

The Emporronadora

The Emporronadora (Alhama de Almeria)
This statue was made by Juan Carlos Cazalla Montijano, and is dedicated to the women of Alhama de Almeria.

Since May 1 2003, it has been located in the middle of Cristobal Rodriguez Lopez Street, in front of the Alhama de Almeria tourism office.

Arabic Morabito


This hermitage is also called the "Morabito de la Cruz de Arriba".

Dating from the 16th century, it is the oldest hermitage in the region.

The Cross Hermitage

The Cross Hermitage (Alhama de Almeria)
On May 3, a great traditional festival is celebrated in the municipality of Alhama de Almeria. This is the May Cross festival and on that day, residents and tourists visit the Cross Hermitage, located on the "Cerro", to get the blessing of the Roscos.

This festivity dates back approximately to 1940. Later, with the help of the town and the City council, the Cross Hermitage was built in the "Cerro", and is best known as the "Cruz de Abajo".

  What to visit in the Alpujarra Almeriense