Balcony with flamenco dresses

Festivals in the Levante Almeriense

The most outstanding festivals of the Levante of Almeria. Enjoy with your family and friends of centuries of tradition.
        Huercal Overa
        Los Gallardos


Day of the “Vieja” (Cabezo Maria). It is celebrated on Thursday in the middle of Lent.

Saint Isidore the Farmer (Jauro). It is celebrated on May 15.

Virgin of the Orchards (Aljariz). It is celebrated the last weekend of July.

Saint Roch. It is celebrated on August 16.

Virgin of the Head. It is celebrated on September 8. There is a pilgrimage to Cabezo Maria.


Day of the “Vieja” (Paraje Bedarin). It is celebrated on Thursday in the middle of Lent.

Pilgrimage of Saint Mary of the Head (Paraje Bedarin). It is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of April.

Saint Gregory. It is celebrated the weekend closest to May 9.

Saint James the Great (La Serena). It is celebrated on July 25.

The Emigrant Festival. It is celebrated the weekend closest to August 15.

Los Giles Festival. It is celebrated on August 20.

Virgin of the Head. Local festivities of the town. They celebrate the weekend closest to September 23 with various activities, including the festival of Moors and Christians.


Three Wise Men. It is celebrated on January 5.

Saint Anton. It is celebrated with bonfires on January 16.

Carnival. It is celebrated in February (variable date).

Day of the “Vieja”. It is celebrated on Thursday in the middle of Lent.

Saint Joseph (Cueva del Pajar). It is celebrated the weekend closest to March 19.

May Cross (Gafares). It is celebrated on May 3.

Saint Anthony. It is celebrated between June 10 and 13.

Virgin of the Helpless (Llano de Don Antonio). It is celebrated the third weekend of June.

Festival of the Fisherman and the Tourist. It is celebrated on August 15.

El Saltador Festival. It is celebrated the third weekend of August.

Virgin of the Head (El Argamason). It is celebrated on September 8.

Saint Francis of Assisi (Llano de Don Antonio). It is celebrated on October 4.

      Los Gallardos

Three Wise Men. It is celebrated on January 6 with a popular staging.

Carnival. It is celebrated in the month of February (variable date).

Day of the “Vieja”. It is celebrated on Thursday in the middle of Lent.

Saint Isidore the Farmer. It is celebrated on May 15.

Virgin of Carmel. It is celebrated on July 16.

Saint Michael. Local festivities of the town. They celebrate the weekend closest to September 29.


Three Wise Men Cavalcade. It is celebrated on January 5.

Saint Sebastian. Bread Festival. It is celebrated on January 20.

Saint Sebastian (El Marchal). It is celebrated the third weekend of January.

Carnival. It is celebrated in the month of February (variable date).

Corpus Christi. It is celebrated in the month of June (variable date).

Saint John (Rambla Aljibe). It is celebrated the weekend closest to June 24.

Saint James the Great (El Chive). It is celebrated the weekend closest to July 25.

Summer Festival. Emigrant Festival. It is celebrated the second weekend of August.

Virgin of “Pilar” (El Pilar). It is celebrated on October 12.

Virgin of the Rosary. October Fair. Local festivities of the town. They are celebrated the second weekend of October.

Christmas. “Aguinaldos”. It is celebrated on December 24.


Carnival. It is celebrated in the month of February (variable date).

Day of the Pots. It is celebrated in the Ash Wednesday (variable date).

Holy Week. It is celebrated in March-April (variable date).

Saint Gundisalvus of Amarante (Cariatiz). It is celebrated on April 23.

Saint Isidore the Farmer (San Javier). It is celebrated on May 15 with a pilgrimage from San Javier to the Rambla de Gochar.

Saint John (La Mela). It is celebrated on June 24.

Saint Roch. It is celebrated on August 16.

Saint “Roquillo” (Alfarerias). It is celebrated on August 17.

Saint Lawrence (Gafarillos). It is celebrated the third weekend of August.

Saint Augustine (La Huelga). It is celebrated on August 28.

Saint Raymond (Cariatiz). It is celebrated the fourth weekend of August.

Saint Cecilia. It is celebrated in the month of November (variable date).


Carnival. It is celebrated in the month of February (variable date).

Day of the “Vieja”. It is celebrated on Thursday in the middle of Lent.

Holy Week. It is celebrated in March-April (variable date).

Saint Isidore the Farmer. It is celebrated on May 15 with a pilgrimage.

Saint James the Great. It is celebrated on July 25.

Summer Festival. It is celebrated the first weekend of August.

Saint Raymond (Royo Morera). It is celebrated on August 31.

The Immaculate Conception (La Carrasca). It is celebrated the first weekend of September.

Saint Francis. It is celebrated the weekend closest to October 4.