Weather forecast

The weather in the Levante Almeriense

Saturday, 5th of October 2:00 5:00 8:00 11:00 14:00 17:00 20:00 23:00
Fair Fair Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Fair Fair Clear Clear
Temperature 20.7°C 20.2°C 19.6°C 23.1°C 25.3°C 25.5°C 25°C 22°C
Wind 3 Km/h 5 Km/h 5 Km/h 4 Km/h 11 Km/h 15 Km/h 15 Km/h 5 Km/h
Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northeast Northeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southwest Southwest West West
Humidity 82% 83% 75% 56% 58% 60% 58% 76%
Sunday, 6th of October 2:00
Clear Clear
Temperature 21.2°C
Wind 11 Km/h
Southwest Southwest
Humidity 73%
Monday, 7th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
30°C Cloudy 30°C 19.7°C 33 km/h
Southwest Southwest
56% Sunrise: 8:07
Sunset: 19:44
12:38 - 22:01 Moonrise: 12:38
Moonset: 22:01
Tuesday, 8th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
24.1°C Cloudy 24.1°C 20.2°C 22 km/h
Southwest Southwest
53% Sunrise: 8:08
Sunset: 19:42
13:41 - 22:47 Moonrise: 13:41
Moonset: 22:47
Wednesday, 9th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
29.8°C Cloudy 29.8°C 18.9°C 16 km/h
South South
54% Sunrise: 8:08
Sunset: 19:41
14:39 - 23:42 Moonrise: 14:39
Moonset: 23:42
Thursday, 10th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
30.5°C Clear 30.5°C 21.9°C 14 km/h
Southwest Southwest
59% Sunrise: 8:09
Sunset: 19:40
15:32 - ---- Moonrise: 15:32
Moonset: ----
Friday, 11th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
28.1°C Fair 28.1°C 22°C 12 km/h
South South
72% Sunrise: 8:10
Sunset: 19:38
16:17 - 00:46 Moonrise: 16:17
Moonset: 00:46
Weather by
The magic of the Levante of Almeria lies in the charm of its beaches, the exotic beauty of its mountains, its exquisite gastronomy, the friendliness of its people, and especially in its wonderful climate.

Although it is a windy area, it is the place with the most hours of sunshine per year in Europe, with almost 2,000 hours witnessed a year. It makes it a perfect vacation destination at any time of the year, or to simply visit for a weekend getaway.

Almost 320 days of sun in a year makes for very little rainfall, maintaining an average annual temperature of 18.7 °C. This will allow you to enjoy your visit to this area of Almeria and whatever the activity you intend to take part in, like going to the beach, diving, hiking, excursions through their villages, etc.