Weather forecast

The weather in Los Velez

Sunday, 19th of January 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Fair Fair Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy
Temperature 1.8°C 0.9°C 0.5°C 9°C 11.2°C 8.3°C 4.3°C
Wind 7 Km/h 8 Km/h 8 Km/h 5 Km/h 6 Km/h 3 Km/h 3 Km/h
West West West West West West Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southeast Southeast West West
Humidity 92% 91% 70% 44% 36% 58% 59%
Monday, 20th of January 0:00 3:00
Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy
Temperature 5.5°C 4.5°C
Wind 6 Km/h 7 Km/h
West West West West
Humidity 59% 68%
Tuesday, 21st of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
12.8°C Cloudy 12.8°C 6.6°C 10 km/h
West West
85% Sunrise: 8:21
Sunset: 18:18
00:57 - 12:01 Moonrise: 00:57
Moonset: 12:01
Wednesday, 22nd of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
14.4°C Cloudy 14.4°C 7°C 13 km/h
Southwest Southwest
77% Sunrise: 8:21
Sunset: 18:19
01:56 - 12:25 Moonrise: 01:56
Moonset: 12:25
Thursday, 23rd of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
13.6°C Cloudy 13.6°C 7.6°C 30 km/h
Northwest Northwest
69% Sunrise: 8:20
Sunset: 18:20
02:57 - 12:54 Moonrise: 02:57
Moonset: 12:54
Friday, 24th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
9.1°C Mostly cloudy 9.1°C 4.2°C 20 km/h
Northwest Northwest
56% Sunrise: 8:19
Sunset: 18:21
04:00 - 13:29 Moonrise: 04:00
Moonset: 13:29
Saturday, 25th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
14.1°C Cloudy with rain showers 14.1°C 2.6°C 31 km/h
West West
51% Sunrise: 8:19
Sunset: 18:22
05:03 - 14:12 Moonrise: 05:03
Moonset: 14:12
Weather by
The weather in the region of Los Velez varies depending on the municipalities, which have the following characteristics:

Velez-Rubio enjoys a local steppe climate. It has an average temperature of 14.3ºC, in addition to little rainfall that annually reaches about 410 mm.

The climate in Velez-Blanco has warm and temperate characteristics, because in this zone the average temperature is 13ºC. With regard to the level of precipitation, it has 472 mm per year, which is mostly due to rain that falls in the winter.

Chirivel also offers its inhabitants a warm and temperate climate, with average temperatures of 13.3ºC and annual rainfall of 465 mm, which occurs especially in winter.

Maria is another municipality with a temperate and warm climate, with temperatures around 12.5ºC. It has a summer with little rain and its annual rainfall is around 505 mm.