Meet here the most outstanding festivals of the Los Velez region and enjoy with your family and friends of centuries of tradition.
Saint Anton. It is celebrated on January 16 with traditional bonfires.
Carnival. It is celebrated in February (variable date).
Saint Isidore the Farmer (Las Carrascas). It is celebrated on May 14 with a pilgrimage to Las Carrascas.
Saint John (Las Flores neighborhood). It is celebrated on May 24.
Saint Anthony (El Contador). It is celebrated on June 13.
Las Flores Festival (Las Flores neighborhood). It is celebrated on June 25.
Virgin of Carmel (Los Garcias). It is celebrated the third weekend of June.
Cherry Festival (Los Blancos). It is celebrated on the 4th of July.
Summer Festival (El Contador). It is celebrated on July 29 and 30.
Festival of the vacationer (La Fuente). It is celebrated on August 14.
Saint Isidore. Local festivities of the town. They are celebrated between the 17th and the 21st of August.
Virgin of the Head. Spring Festival. It is celebrated between the 22nd and 25th of April.
Saint Quiteria (Santa Quiteria). It is celebrated on May 22.
Virgin of the Head. It is celebrated between the 13th and 15th of August with a pilgrimage to the hermitage.
Virgin of the Rosary (Cañadas de Cañepla). It is celebrated on October 29 and 30.
Velez Blanco
Carnival. It is celebrated in February (variable date).
The Candelaria (El Piar). It is celebrated on February 2.
Holy Week. It is celebrated in March-April (variable date).
Saint Isidore the Farmer (Topares). It is celebrated between the 13th and 15th of May with various activities.
Pilgrimage of the Virgin “Niña”. It is celebrated the third weekend of May.
Saint Anthony (El Piar). It is celebrated the second weekend of June. Traditional ribbon races are celebrated.
Virgin of Carmel (Bº del Carmen). It is celebrated on July 16.
El Cercado Festival (El Cercado). It is celebrated the first weekend of August.
Christ of the Yedra. Local festivities of the town. They are celebrated the second weekend of August.
Virgin of the Snows (Topares). It is celebrated on the second Sunday of August.
Saint Barbara (Tonosa). It is celebrated the fourth weekend of September.
Velez Rubio
Carnival. It is celebrated in February (variable date).
Burial of the Sardine. It is celebrated on Holy Saturday (March-April / variable date).
Saint Joseph (Fuente del Gato). It is celebrated on March 19.
Holy Week. It is celebrated in March-April (variable date).
Cross day. It is celebrated on May 3 with an excursion to the Cross Hermitage.
Saint John Night (El Cabecico). It is celebrated on the night of June 23.
Virgin of Carmel (Carrera del Carmen). It is celebrated between the 14th and the 16th of August.
Saint Salvador (Fuente Grande). It is celebrated the second weekend of August.
Summer Festival. It is celebrated the second weekend of August.
Virgin of the Health (Bº de la Salud). It is celebrated on September 8.
Night pilgrimage. It is celebrated on the first Saturday of September with a nighttime pilgrimage (departure: 12 at night), from the Incarnation Square (Velez-Rubio) to the Monastery of the Saliente (Albox).
Christmas. The Dance of Pastors. It is celebrated on December 24.
Day of the Holy Innocents. It is celebrated on December 28 with costumes, parades and representation of imprisonment by order of the Innocent Mayor and his “Guindillas”.