Weather forecast

The weather in the Poniente Almeriense

Tuesday, 10th of September 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Fair Fair Fair Fair Clear Clear Fair Fair
Temperature 25.8°C 26.8°C 26.1°C 23.3°C
Wind 12 Km/h 19 Km/h 20 Km/h 13 Km/h
Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest
Humidity 55% 48% 46% 58%
Wednesday, 11th of September 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00
Fair Fair Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Fair Fair Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
Temperature 22°C 21.5°C 21.2°C 21.5°C 25.2°C
Wind 8 Km/h 6 Km/h 2 Km/h 5 Km/h 12 Km/h
Southwest Southwest West West Northeast Northeast East East Southeast Southeast
Humidity 66% 68% 68% 57% 56%
Thursday, 12th of September High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
27°C Mostly cloudy 27°C 21.4°C 17 km/h
Southwest Southwest
62% Sunrise: 7:50
Sunset: 20:25
16:50 - 00:59 Moonrise: 16:50
Moonset: 00:59
Friday, 13th of September High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
25.3°C Partly cloudy 25.3°C 21.3°C 21 km/h
Southeast Southeast
49% Sunrise: 7:51
Sunset: 20:24
17:42 - 01:59 Moonrise: 17:42
Moonset: 01:59
Saturday, 14th of September High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
26.9°C Partly cloudy 26.9°C 20.1°C 16 km/h
Southeast Southeast
45% Sunrise: 7:51
Sunset: 20:22
18:25 - 03:08 Moonrise: 18:25
Moonset: 03:08
Sunday, 15th of September High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
30.2°C Fair 30.2°C 23°C 15 km/h
East East
61% Sunrise: 7:52
Sunset: 20:21
19:03 - 04:21 Moonrise: 19:03
Moonset: 04:21
Monday, 16th of September High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
31.2°C Cloudy 31.2°C 24.9°C 9 km/h
Southwest Southwest
61% Sunrise: 7:53
Sunset: 20:19
19:36 - 05:38 Moonrise: 19:36
Moonset: 05:38
Weather by
The Poniente of Almeria has an exceptional climate, typical of the entire province of Almeria. A lot of sun and very little rainfall throughout the year produces a splendid and characteristic blue sky that reflects light intensely.

The average temperature is 18.7°C, but it can reach 30°C in the hottest summer periods. However, due to its coastal location, the thermal sensation is much higher accompanied by a high degree of humidity.

Due to its location, the wind gusts are permanent and can reach up to 130 km/h, being more intense during the months of February, March and April.