Weather forecast

The weather in Pulpi

Friday, 24th of January 22:00
Clear Clear
Temperature 10.7°C
Wind 1 Km/h
Northwest Northwest
Humidity 73%
Saturday, 25th of January 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Cloudy with rain showers Cloudy with rain showers Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
Temperature 8.8°C 8°C 7.6°C 11.2°C 20.5°C 19.5°C 16.5°C 14.4°C
Wind 1 Km/h 2 Km/h 2 Km/h 5 Km/h 14 Km/h 17 Km/h 17 Km/h 21 Km/h
Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Southwest Southwest West West West West West West
Humidity 66% 67% 68% 47% 28% 30% 50% 65%
Sunday, 26th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
18.2°C Cloudy 18.2°C 8.5°C 15 km/h
Northwest Northwest
67% Sunrise: 8:17
Sunset: 18:22
06:02 - 15:04 Moonrise: 06:02
Moonset: 15:04
Monday, 27th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
23.2°C Mostly cloudy 23.2°C 12.7°C 32 km/h
Southwest Southwest
58% Sunrise: 8:16
Sunset: 18:23
06:57 - 16:06 Moonrise: 06:57
Moonset: 16:06
Tuesday, 28th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
16.6°C Cloudy 16.6°C 9.5°C 51 km/h
Northwest Northwest
41% Sunrise: 8:15
Sunset: 18:24
07:47 - 17:15 Moonrise: 07:47
Moonset: 17:15
Wednesday, 29th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
16.2°C Cloudy 16.2°C 5°C 18 km/h
Northwest Northwest
52% Sunrise: 8:15
Sunset: 18:25
08:27 - 18:27 Moonrise: 08:27
Moonset: 18:27
Thursday, 30th of January High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
17°C Fair 17°C 9.8°C 22 km/h
Northwest Northwest
51% Sunrise: 8:14
Sunset: 18:27
09:02 - 19:41 Moonrise: 09:02
Moonset: 19:41
Weather by
Pulpi enjoys a Mediterranean type climate, which is classified as semi-arid. Rainfall is scarce during the year, with an annual average below 300mm, which is concentrated mainly in the autumn and spring. The Köppen-Geiger climate classification for Pulpi is BSk, which means it is a dry climate.

In Pulpi, the average annual temperature is 17.3°C. The summers are long and very hot, while the winters are short and with little frost. This climate favours the cultivation of crops such as lettuce, tomatoes and citrus fruits.

July is the driest month with only 3mm of rain, and August is the warmest month of the year. Most of the rainfall occurs in October, averaging 41mm.