Weather forecast

The weather in Vera

Saturday, 5th of October 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Fair Fair Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Clear Clear
Temperature 20.2°C 19.2°C 18.6°C 21.5°C 26.3°C 26.1°C 24.3°C 22.3°C
Wind 2 Km/h 5 Km/h 4 Km/h 3 Km/h 11 Km/h 15 Km/h 11 Km/h 2 Km/h
Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest West West Northwest Northwest Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Northwest Northwest
Humidity 81% 82% 73% 56% 51% 57% 63% 74%
Sunday, 6th of October 1:00
Clear Clear
Temperature 20.8°C
Wind 6 Km/h
West West
Humidity 72%
Monday, 7th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
31.1°C Cloudy 31.1°C 18.8°C 23 km/h
Southwest Southwest
52% Sunrise: 8:07
Sunset: 19:44
12:39 - 22:01 Moonrise: 12:39
Moonset: 22:01
Tuesday, 8th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
25.4°C Cloudy 25.4°C 20.5°C 19 km/h
West West
43% Sunrise: 8:08
Sunset: 19:43
13:41 - 22:47 Moonrise: 13:41
Moonset: 22:47
Wednesday, 9th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
31.7°C Cloudy 31.7°C 18.5°C 14 km/h
Southeast Southeast
47% Sunrise: 8:09
Sunset: 19:41
14:39 - 23:42 Moonrise: 14:39
Moonset: 23:42
Thursday, 10th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
31.7°C Fair 31.7°C 22.7°C 12 km/h
South South
50% Sunrise: 8:09
Sunset: 19:40
15:32 - ---- Moonrise: 15:32
Moonset: ----
Friday, 11th of October High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
28.6°C Partly cloudy 28.6°C 21.3°C 17 km/h
Southeast Southeast
65% Sunrise: 8:10
Sunset: 19:38
16:17 - 00:45 Moonrise: 16:17
Moonset: 00:45
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