Weather forecast

The weather in Vera

Monday, 10th of February 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Fair Fair Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
Temperature 8.7°C 7.5°C 7.7°C 9.8°C 15.4°C 16.1°C 14.4°C 11.7°C
Wind 6 Km/h 6 Km/h 5 Km/h 6 Km/h 4 Km/h 13 Km/h 9 Km/h 2 Km/h
Northwest Northwest West West Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northeast Northeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast North North
Humidity 78% 76% 75% 60% 53% 52% 60% 75%
Tuesday, 11th of February 0:00
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
Temperature 9.9°C
Wind 4 Km/h
Northwest Northwest
Humidity 80%
Wednesday, 12th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
19°C Partly cloudy with rain showers 19°C 7.3°C 15 km/h
Northwest Northwest
66% Sunrise: 8:03
Sunset: 18:42
18:45 - 08:08 Moonrise: 18:45
Moonset: 08:08
Thursday, 13th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
18.7°C Partly cloudy 18.7°C 9.2°C 12 km/h
Northwest Northwest
51% Sunrise: 8:02
Sunset: 18:43
19:48 - 08:35 Moonrise: 19:48
Moonset: 08:35
Friday, 14th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
18.9°C Cloudy 18.9°C 7.3°C 11 km/h
Southeast Southeast
69% Sunrise: 8:00
Sunset: 18:44
20:48 - 08:58 Moonrise: 20:48
Moonset: 08:58
Saturday, 15th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
19.5°C Mostly cloudy 19.5°C 8.6°C 10 km/h
Northeast Northeast
79% Sunrise: 7:59
Sunset: 18:45
21:47 - 09:20 Moonrise: 21:47
Moonset: 09:20
Sunday, 16th of February High Low Wind Humidity Sun Moon
19.7°C Cloudy with rain showers 19.7°C 10.7°C 14 km/h
Northwest Northwest
75% Sunrise: 7:58
Sunset: 18:46
22:44 - 09:41 Moonrise: 22:44
Moonset: 09:41
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